Full Episode
Summary Episode
About Today’s Guest:
Donald McCasland, LCSW-CCTP is one of the Cohen Veteran’s Network’s committed therapists at the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone, in Clarksville, TN. As a veteran himself, Don uses his experiences during his 21 years in the service to better assist veterans and their family members by giving them the same quality care that saved his life. He is a big advocate of self-care and sees the importance of unplugging in nature, spending time with family, and engaging in other hobbies to de-stress and live a balanced lifestyle.
In this Episode, you will learn:
- Don’s background and experience
- Working with veterans as a veteran therapist
- Getting veterans to seek treatment
- Warrior’s Heart and Dr. Ed Tick
- Alternative modalities to standard care
- Military requiring service members to act in ways opposite of what they were taught as “right” as a child
- Vet Centers
- Similarities and differences of veterans from different eras
- Veteran suicide
- Cohen Veteran Network
- The Functional Veteran Blog
Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Don’s profile on the Cohen Veteran Network
Don on Social Media:
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Do you want to check out Duane’s latest book, Combat Vet Don’t Mean Crazy: Veteran Mental Health in Post-Military Life? Check it out!