
Carol Prell has over 10 years combined professional experience in human resources, case management, outreach and support. She also has over 12 years volunteer experience involving relationship building, initiating network of local organizations resulting in improved coverage of services and resources, project management, public speaking, and supervising volunteers. Her passion is helping others and empowering them to achieve their goals and success.

Sentinels of Freedom is a non-profit organization which provides multi-faceted scholarships to wounded and injured post 9/11 veterans who are pursuing higher education as they transition back to civilian life.

In support of these goals, Carol’s, current responsibilities and accomplishments include:
* Engage community leaders and stakeholders to become involved with our foundation to create additional awareness of the organization to increase donor-based funding.
* Establish and maintain relationships with more than 30 military and non-profit organizations.
* Facilitate informational briefings about our various programs and the mission of our organization.
* Initiate and develop relationships with Student Veteran organizations and leaders on college campuses.
* Close, ongoing relationship management with wounded service members and Case Managers in all branches of the military.

In This Particular Episode You Will Learn:

  • Carol’s background and experience
  • Becoming an “Army Mom”
  • Sentinels of Freedom and what the organization does
  • Post-military needs fulifillment
  • Challenges in veterans transitioning to Higher Education
  • Value of mentorship
  • Adapting and overcoming barriers, not accepting them
  • Supporting veterans to resolve challenges on their own
  • Empowering veterans versus enabling them

Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Carol’s LinkedIn Profile

Sentinels of Freedom Web Site

Sentinels of Freedom Facebook Page

Carol’s Contact Number: (925) 380-6342 Ext 303





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Categories: HST Podcast

Duane France

Duane K. L. France is a combat veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as a mental health counselor practicing in the state of Colorado. Do you want to join the conversation regarding veteran mental health? Share, like, and comment. Read Duane's previous posts and follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn. Keep the conversation about #veteranmentalhealth going.